Monday, November 14, 2016

Strathmore field trip tomorrow!

We are so excited to take our field trip to Strathmore on Tuesday November 15th! 
Please make sure your child packs a separate snack and bagged lunch tomorrow!

Your child has been learning about the parts of the orchestra and now they will get an opportunity to hear the National Philharmonic.

Since we are going to a grand concert hall, your child will want to dress nicely for the occasion. Button-down shirts, dresses, skirts, and dress pants are all examples of appropriate clothing for our trip. If your child does not have any of these items, please make sure they are dressed in clean clothing without any stains or rips.

Here is the Berry picker's song that your child will be singing:

Click on the video below to have a teacher teach you the song and dance movements.

 Here is a link to the young person's guide to the orchestra game that your child played in music class. 

Here is the Strathmore website.
Did you know kids' concert tickets are free?? AND they have amazing educational programs you can sign up for?

Great article about the benefits of music education: